Retail & Ecommerce

5 Different Strategies Worth Trying for Promotional Periods

Promo periods strategies

Last Updated on: 29th April 2024, 09:55 am

People are usually more eager to buy products and services (as gifts or for their pleasure) in a period preceding a specific holiday or cultural event. Choose the right seasonal promotion strategy to increase your company’s sales at a particular time of the year.

In this article you will learn:

  • What is the main difference between seasonal promotion periods and other days of the year?
  • Why is it important to leverage the right promotion models on specific occasions?
  • Which promo strategies should you consider for your business?
  • What are the benefits of taking the right approach to seasonal campaigns?

Table of Contents:

Seasonal promotion periods vs. other days of the year

The main difference between special periods and normal days of the year lies in the atmosphere – the mood. Each event triggers specific emotions, however, each situation requires a different approach. As a business owner, you should leverage those special events to support your potential customers and help them find the things they are looking for – you can do this with the right promo strategy. 

See also: Holiday ecommerce: RTB House analyzed how internet users shop in December

Promo strategies to consider for special occasions

Some methods for promoting your services and products can be very effective, especially in seasonal promo periods. Below, we describe six promo strategies that we recommend to leverage, for example with regard to the upcoming Black Friday. The following strategies and recommendations are based on our experience and data from our campaigns.

Reacquisition/Reinstall Campaign

It is wise to take advantage of strong positive emotions to improve or regain customers’ trust. All businesses have a group of customers that have been inactive for some time – the ones that bought something a while ago and never came back. 

The reacquisition campaign uses historical data about the users’ previous activity to target those who have been inactive for a few weeks and show them products and services they might find interesting. 

  • Make use of historical data regarding these users and approach them with relevant offers.

This works similarly in the case of a reinstall campaign – it targets those customers who uninstalled your application to convince them to install it again. This campaign allows you to reach customers that were once interested in your offer and give them reasons to rejoin your community. 

  • To make the reinstall campaign more effective, we recommend giving these users incentives to reinstall the app – such as a special voucher code for their first post-install purchase.
Black Friday & Holiday Season [REPORT]
This guide is your manual for building a strategy for the holiday season. It looks at changing customer behaviors, opportunities for business, and the value of personalized retargeting ad campaigns.

Teaser Campaign 

With this promo method, you can help people get ready for the celebration. Teaser campaigns allow you to generate interest and excitement over the forthcoming promotions or a new product that is about to be launched. 

The teaser campaign provokes positive emotions, just like the holidays. By promoting your services and products this way, you can be sure that consumers will be aware of your newest offer and discounts. 

  • We recommend building a special landing page for this campaign that contains exciting, engaging, and shareable content.

Low Valuation Users Campaign

Window shoppers enjoy checking out products and comparing them, but they don’t buy a lot. They usually start to feel more pressure to buy on special occasions such as Christmas. With the right promotion, you can turn some of these users into actual customers.

A low valuation user campaign is based on data about Internet users’ activity. It will help you engage users in the long run.  

  • Based on products and categories which are most frequently viewed by low valuation users, you can run this campaign to efficiently transform low valuation users into buying customers.

Omnichannel Campaigns

During the holiday period, many users move through your shopping platform but do not always make actual purchases or come back to the website again. Why is that? There are several reasons. Some will look for a better deal, some will forget your online shop address or name and in some cases, thoughts about shopping will simply slip the user’s mind because of all the excitement and preparations.

By leveraging the omnichannel campaign, you’re making sure that you did all you could to promote your offer and encourage consumers to buy. Such a campaign uses data from your CRM to target offline customers with more precision, customized messaging, and special offers.

The featured category campaign allows you to bring more orders and revenue from the chosen categories. Just analyze your potential customers’ activity and check what categories they are most interested in. With the right promotion, you can significantly improve your sales in the promo period.

Benefits of following the right seasonal promotion approach

Think carefully about seasonal promotions you can use in your company. Choosing the right campaign will allow you to:

  • increase sales in the particular period,
  • promote your brand effectively, 
  • improve customer experience.

Many useful promo strategies could support your seasonal marketing campaigns and help you maximize sales. Cart Abandoners Campaigns are becoming a standard in e-commerce. They effectively reduce the number of abandoned transactions. Other promo campaigns can be used to support your day-to-day sales as well as seasonal ones, as for example a User Source Campaign which allows users coming from selected categories to be targeted with extreme precision by assigning a special rate for this campaign.

Contact us and will be happy to advise you on the best seasonal promotions for your specific needs. 

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