Cookieless World

Cookieless Newsroom: Netflix to Get Self-Reliant, Publishers Wary of TTD’s New Strategy

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Last Updated on: 5th July 2024, 08:21 am

In this Cookieless Newsroom, read about Netflix introducing an extended approach for its programmatic strategy, publishers’ worries over The Trade Desk’s comments concerning “premium” inventory, and other recent pieces of news from the press.

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  • 20 May 2024: The author underlines the recent trend in the AdTech supply chain, in light of prospective third-party cookies deprecation, where audience curation is shifting from DSPs to SSPs. DSPs push back and point out issues of lack of transparency and ID-bridging. [AdExchanger]
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  • 16 May 2024: Netflix announces its intention to roll out its own ad tech and ad server in 2025, while currently extending its programmatic partnerships from Microsoft only to TTD and DV360 on the buy-side, and Magnite on the sell-side. [AdExchanger]
  • 7 May 2024: It has been decided that Bounce Tracking Mitigations (BTM) will be kept disabled for the Mode-B Privacy Sandbox experimentation phase. BTM disrupted labeling for some participants, which caused issues with their tests. [Google Groups]
  • 29 Apr 2024: Google plans to open source its PAIR (Publisher Advertiser Identity Reconciliation) identity tool with IAB Tech Lab. [Stream TV Insider]
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