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RTB House Continues Innovation and Rapid Global Expansion, Ranked as One of the Fastest Growing Tech Companies on FT1000 List

RTB House in Financial Times' 1000 Europe's fastest growing companies

Last Updated on: 14th May 2024, 07:53 am


This marks the third year in a row that RTB House has been recognized as a fast-growing company

RTB House, a global company that provides state-of-the-art marketing solutions for top brands worldwide, has been ranked 23rd in the tech sector in the Financial Times 1000. RTB House has made it onto the list for the third year in a row.
The rating is the result of a joint project by the Financial Times and Statista, who conducted months of research, public calls, intensive database research and directly contacted tens of thousands of companies. In the end, they created a shortlist of 1,000 outstanding companies amongst the millions of existing European enterprises. The list includes companies that have achieved the highest growth in revenues between 2015 and 2018.
RTB House reached revenue growth of 1100%, which amounted to 98,7M EUR (112,9M USD) in 2018. Over four years, the number of employees has grown from 74 to 377. The company now operates in over 70 countries, working with leading brands.
RTB House’s deep learning platform is considered a real game changer in the industry. After successfully deploying deep learning algorithms throughout all of its campaigns, RTB House once again challenged itself and the advertising industry through its creation of the AI Marketing Lab, a division focused on research and development in the broad marketing arena. This is separate from the main R&D department, which is dedicated to personalized retargeting. RTB House recently opened a Creatives Lab. The unit is developing solutions to offer clients a wider range of better performing dynamic banners for both display and video, which is better suited to clients’ branding needs.
More information about FT1000 can be found here.


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